After two days of futzing and frustration I finally beat the cream demon-fabric into submission and finished the foundation bodice (except for closures) - yay! SO looking forward to working on the skirt now (also made of the demon fabric)! *note sarcasm*
I'm re-thinking this issue of flat-lining the skirt with cotton. I had decided not to flatline the skirt, afraid that lining it would change the drape of the fabric too much, after all I chose this fabric for this project because of its drape. But now I'm wondering if it would help me avoid some of the demon issues I had on the bodice. I don't know...
While I'm pondering the skirt I'm trying my hand, for the first time, at hand-sewn rolled hems. Well I've tried them before but without success. After talking about my past frustrations with rolled hems Katherine was kind enough to give me a little private lesson on how to do them at Costume College a couple of years ago but despite her demonstration looking easy I was too intimidated (and lazy) to use the technique once I got home. However the only way to deal with this crinkle silk chiffon is with a rolled hem. So I refreshed my memory with this video on YouTube and started on the chiffon. So far so good, just mind-numbing. Well this project will give me lots of practice anyway... *sigh*
And of course "demon fabric" is always something scrumptiously pretty, aye? *Snarglebarglesassafras* But if we plough through to the end, the results are stunning. You've proved that with many of your other costumes. Don't give up, girl!
God bless,
~"Wild Rose"~