Saturday, July 2, 2011

I love tiny pleats

I've been working on the round-gown skirt pleating the last couple of evening and finally got the back done last night.

I went from skimpy to almost-too-much-fabric so it took me a little bit to adjust! Now the back skirt is super full, even fuller than the Diva and the Bellini - fun!

Now I just need to stitch it down...


  1. Nice job! I tried attaching pleats to a point in the back once, and it was hard to do, and looked nowhere as good as yours.

  2. You are a little strange...

    But having just seen the pics of the Diva and how BEAUTIFULLY they flow and lay and look like lusciousness I think it is a very excellent type of strange and the world could use more of it.


  3. That was Moi! by the wouldn't take my Live Journal profile and I was too lazy to mess with it. So I am anonymous...which is close to enigma when you think about it the right way round...


  4. This is gorgeous! I wish I could get my pleats that perfect. That fabric is absolutely scrumptious, too!

  5. Thanks guys! Yeah pleats like this are a bit of a pain to do but they are so worth it in the end! It took me a while to figure them out - angling the pleats to match the curve of the point as you go and hand stitching the pleats (a machine just doesn’t work!) are the keys I think... and a lot of patience!
