Tuesday, December 6, 2011

St Nickolas Tea

Our costumers St Nickolas Tea on Saturday was really delightful. Many thanks again to Isabella for organizing it for us! The Reynolds Tavern in Annapolis was cozy and beautifully decorated, the tea food very tasty indeed and the company was wonderful! I hope we make this an annual event!

I finally wore my green striped robe à l'Anglaise round gown. You know the one I started for UTR in June (that wasn’t finished in time) and didn't wear at Costume College because I got food poisoning the night before I was supposed to wear it. That one.

Technically I have worn it once, to a Constitution Day thingy for a friend's homeschool group but I'm not counting it since I have no pictures and no costumers were present. Anyway i had great fun wear it to the tea (driving 1.75 hours in it was a different story!) - I think it's my new favorite 18th century outfit. It helps of course that it looks great with fur and it was the perfect day to wear some of my vintage fur collection. It's all about the accessories you know! :>

More pics from the event:
Jenny-Rose (me!)


  1. Gorgeous gown!!! Looks like you had a splendid time.

  2. The Gown of Stripey Goodness makes its official debut! You look amazing as always, and the Fabulous Hat (complete with the adorable Fred) is perfect with that dress. Good work!

    God bless, and have a Merry Christmas,
    ~"Wild Rose"~
